The Day of the Xray

The day of the x-ray

I awoke, delighted to be alive

Alive to be delighted.

The day of the x-ray

I read about the bushfires

While the fires knew nothing of me

The day of the x-ray

I had no expectations

I was not subject to disappointment

The day of the x-ray

The path eluded me

So I paced it quadruply

The day of the x-ray

The resident evil arose

Undefeated by reminders and requests

The day of the x-ray

It was still broken

And I am still whole.

Published by

Tammi Jonas

The infrequent and imperfect yet impassioned musings of a farmer, meatsmith, mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend and cultural commentator with a penchant for food and community.

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